Frequently Asked Questions
What is the necessary time investment for the program?
The Agripreneur Web Developer course spans a time of up to 6 months, with an estimated time-investment of aobut 20 hours per week. This is an estimated average of time you might need and you are entirely flexible on when and how you invest it during each course-week.
It is entirely possible and likely that you will graduate earlier than those 6 months, however in order to guarantee both quality and efficiency in our courses and graduates we set this time-limit from first course-day to latest possible point of graduation.
How will I be supported in my studies?
Each participant has the ability to schedule bi-weekly drop-in session with their trainers for one-on-one support and input. Additionally, each chapter will give opportunities to use the rich and engaged learning community of CodeFactory via Forums, teamwork-applications like Slack etc., to support you. Lastly, our trainers will be available to answer your questions via Email if you have them.
What do I need to graduate successfully?
We want our graduates to confidently be able to use all the technologies they learn in our Agripreneur Web Developer course. Therefore, every second week you will have to create a project that we call a “code review”, for which you have a time window of three days (normally Friday morning to Sunday evening) to finish it and hand it in. These projects will be graded and you will be given feedback on them. While you will be given a chance, if necessary, to redo a failed project and achieve a passing grade, ALL projects need to be graded positively until the end of the 6-month period in order for you to graduate.
Additionally, more than 3 simultaneously negative or missing code reviews can lead to you not receiving the certificate of successful graduation.
What is the cancellation policy?
Course participants are entitled to cancel the contract until the start of the booked course without giving reasons. The revocation must be made by means of a clear declaration (by email or letter). Payments made until then cannot be refunded.
In exceptional cases (illness, pregnancy, emergencies in the immediate vicinity) CodeFactory may reimburse course fees paid. There is no legal claim to this service.